- Topological categories in analysis and topology.
- Approach theory, metrically generated theories, lax algebraic theories.
- Applications in approximation theory, probability theory, statistics, functional
analysis, hyperspace theory and domain theory
- Cartesian closed, extensional and quasitopoi hulls of topological
- Frame theory and approach frame theory.
Research Projects (since 2002) |
- FWO research project "A categorical approach to compactness and completeness" 2004-2006
(with E. Colebunders VUB)
- FWO research project "Metrically generated theories" 2005-2010 (with
E. Colebunders, VUB)
- FWO postdoc project (Ben Berckmoes) "Approach theory in probability and statistics" with B. Berckmoes and G. Molenberghs (UHasselt) 2014-2017, 2018-2020
Research council activities |
- Former Member of the FWO (Flemish Research Council) CIWC Commission (2017-2023
- Former Member of the FWO (Flemish Research Council) Expertpanel Mathematical Sciences (WT1) (2010-2016)
- External member for the Italian Ministry of Education and Research (MIUR) Grant Review Committee
- External referee for the South African NRF
Research Team Analytical and Topological Structures |
Team Leader:
Robert Lowen
University of Antwerp
Departement of Mathematics and Computer Science
Middelheimlaan 1, 2020 Antwerp, Belgium
Tel.: + 32 3 265 32 92
E-mail: bob.lowen "at" uantwerpen.be
Research members:
- Ben Berckmoes, Former Post Doctoral Fellow(FWO)
- Sevda Sagiroglu, Post Doctoral Researcher (University of Ankara)
- Nieves Blasco,
Post Doctoral Visiting Member (University of Bilbao)
- Jan Van Casteren, Professor Emeritus
Former Research Members:
- P. Maes, Doctoral Research Assistant (PhD 1987)
- R. Baekeland, Doctoral Research Assistant (PhD 1992)
- C. Robeys, Doctoral and Post Doctoral Research Assistant (PhD 1992)
- B. Windels, Doctoral and Post Doctoral Research Assistant(FWO) (PhD 1997)
- M. Sioen, Doctoral and Post doctoral Research Assistant (FWO) (PhD 1997)
- Werner Peeters,
Teaching assistant (PhD 1998)
- F. Verbeeck, Doctoral Research Assistant (PhD 2000)
- M. Nauwelaerts, Doctoral Research Assistant (FWO) (PhD 2000)
- C. Van Olmen, Doctoral Research Assistant (FWO) (PhD 2005)
- S. Verwulgen, Post Doctoral Research assistant (PhD 2003)
- A. Van Geenhoven, Doctoral Researcher (FWO) (PhD 2010)
- W. Rosiers,
Doctoral Researcher (FWO)
- Tom Vroegrijk, Post Doctoral
Research Assistant (PhD 2011)
- S. Apteker, Post Doctoral Teaching Assistant
- E. Soetens, Senior Teaching Assistant
B. Banaschewski (McMaster University, Canada), S. Sagiroglu (University of Ankara, Turkey), H. P. Kunzi (South Africa), H. C. Reichel (Austria), Luo Maokang (China), J. Lawson (USA), S. Dolecki (France), F. Mynard (USA), Yoon J. Lee (S. Korea), H. K. Lee (S. Korea), H. L. Bentley (USA), P. J. Collins (UK), M. Erne (Germany), E. Giuli (Italy), G. M. Kelly (Australia), D. C. Kent (USA), G. Preuss (Germany), D. Pumplun (Germany), G. E. Strecker (USA), A. K. Srivastava (India), R. C. Steinlage (USA), D. Vaughan (UK), Xu Luoshan (China), P. Eklund (Sweden), C. Carlsson (Finland), Z. Szabo (Hungary), L. D. Nel (Canada), M. Mares (Czechia), D. Hofmann (Portugal), A. Pultr (Czechia), H. Herrlich (Germany)
Guest Editorial Activities (since 2002) |
- The special issue of Topology
and its Applications
devoted to the December 2003 conference "Aspects of Contemporary Topology I" (editors:
M. Husek, H.-P. Kunzi, R. Lowen, W. Tholen) appeared in September
2006, Volume 153 issue 16.
- The special issue of Applied
Categorical Structures
devoted to the December 2005 conference "Aspects of Contemporary Topology II" (editors:
M. Husek, H.-P. Kunzi, E. Colebunders, W. Tholen) appeared in December 2007, Volume 15 issues 5-6
- The special issue of Topology
and its Applications
devoted to the December 2007 conference "Aspects of Contemporary Topology III" (editors:
M. Husek, H.-P. Kunzi, M. Sioen, W. Tholen) appeared July 2009, Volume 156 issue 12.
- The special issue of Topology
and its Applications
devoted to the December 2009 conference "Aspects of Contemporary Topology IV" (editors:
E. Colebunders, M. Husek, R. Lowen, W. Tholen) appeared April 2011, Volume 158 issue 7.
- A special issue of Topology
and its Applications
devoted to the September 2014 conference "Aspects of Contemporary Topology V" (editors:
R. Lowen, M. Sioen) will appear in 2015.
Seminars/Conferences (since 2002) |
- Aspects of Contemporary Topology I, International Conference UA and VUB, December 2003, (Organizers: E. Colebunders, R. Lowen, M. Sioen)
- Aspects of Contemporary Topology II, International Conference UA and VUB, December 2005, (Organizers: E. Colebunders, R. Lowen, M. Sioen)
- Monoidal Topology I, Workshop Barisciano, Italy, April 2006
- Monoidal Topology II, Workshop Antwerp, December 2006, (Organizers: E. Colebunders, R. Lowen)
- Monoidal Topology III, Workshop Antwerp, June 2007, (Organizers: E. Colebunders, R. Lowen)
- Aspects of Contemporary Topology III, International Conference UA and VUB, December 2007, (Organizers: E. Colebunders, R. Lowen, M. Sioen, S. Verwulgen)
- Advances in Set Theoretic Topology , Erice, Sicily, June 2008
- Aspects of Contemporary Topology IV, International Conference UA and VUB, December 2009, (Organizers: E. Colebunders, R. Lowen, M. Sioen)
- Algebra meets topology: advances and applications, Conference in Honor of Dikran Dikranjan on his 60th birthday, Barcelona, Spain, 19-23 July, 2010
- Conference in Honor of Gerhard Preuss's 70th birthday, Berlin, 4-7 May, 2011
- Conference on Multivalued analysis and topology, Varenna, Italy, 18-22 July, 2011
- Workshop on Category Theory, Coimbra, Portugal, 9-13 July, 2012
- Aspects of Contemporary Topology V, International Conference UA and VUB (Organizers: R. Lowen, M. Sioen, G. Sonck), Brussels, 3-5 September, 2014
- International conference: Maurice Frechet 9-11 October 2023 Institut Henri Poincare, Paris, France
- Brummer 90 conference, Cape Town, South Africa, December 12-13, 2024
Homepage of Eva Colebunders
Prof. Dr. Eva Colebunders
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Departement of Mathematics
Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussel, Belgium
E-mail: evacoleb "at" vub.ac.be