E-mail UA: eva.colebunders "at" uantwerpen.be
E-mail VUB: evacoleb "at" vub.be
- Topological constructs and function spaces.
- Metrically generated theories, approach spaces, convergence theory, lax algebraic theories.
- Theory of completions and extensions.
- Domain theory
- FWO research project "A categorical approach to compactness and completeness" 2004-2006
(with R. Lowen UA)
- FWO research project "Metrically generated theories" 2005-2010 (with
R. Lowen UA)
- BWS04/07 research project "The categorical study of quantified and non-symmetric mathematical structures and their applications to analysis, topology and order" (Spokesman M. Sioen, Co-promotors E. Colebunders, H.P. Kunzi)
- FWO Wiskunde Onderzoeksgemeenschap , Fundamentele Methoden en Technieken van de Wiskunde 2005-2011, woordvoerder H. Van Maldeghem, lokale coordinator VUB E. Colebunders
- Quantitative domains and models for average case execution time (FWO TM509) 2009-2013
- Topological study of categories of modelled objects making use of closure operators (Function spaces, compactness and completeness in a metrically generated context) FWO TM311 2003-2007
- The special issue of Applied
Categorical Structures
devoted to the December 2005 conference "Aspects of Contemporary Topology II" (editors:
M. Husek, H.-P. Kunzi, E. Colebunders, W. Tholen) vol 15, 2007
- The special issue of Topology
and its Applications
devoted to the December 2009 conference "Aspects of Contemporary Topology IV" (editors:
E. Colebunders, M. Husek, R. Lowen, W. Tholen) , DOI: 10.1016/j.topol.2011.01.003.
- The special issue of Applied Categorical Structures in honour of Bob Lowen (editors: B. Banaschewski, M.M. Clementino, E. Colebunders, G. Janelidze, R. Street, W. Tholen) vol 26, 2018
- Aspects of Contemporary Topology I, International Workshop UA and VUB, December 2003, co-organizer with R. Lowen, M. Sioen
- Aspects of Contemporary Topology II, International Workshop UA and VUB, December 2005, co-organizer with R. Lowen, M. Sioen
- Monoidal Topology I, Mini Workshop Barisciano, Italy, April 2006
- Monoidal Topology II, Mini Workshop Antwerp, December 2006, co-organizer with R. Lowen
- Monoidal Topology III, Mini Workshop Antwerp, June 2007, co-organizer with R. Lowen
- Aspects of Contemporary Topology III, International Workshop UA and VUB, December 2007, co-organizer with R. Lowen, M. Sioen, S. Verwulgen
- Aspects of Contemporary Topology IV, International Workshop UA and VUB, December 2009, (Organizers: E. Colebunders, R. Lowen, M. Sioen)
- Workshop on categorical topology, in honour of Eraldo Giuli on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Ponta del Gada, Azores, Portugal, March 18-20, 2010 (Member of the scientific committee)
- Algebra meets topology: advances and applications, Conference in Honor of Dikran Dikranjan on his 60th birthday, Barcelona, Spain, 19-23 July, 2010
- Multivalued analysis and topology, Varenna, Italy, July 18-22, 2011
- Workshop on Category Theory, Coimbra, Portugal, July 9-13, 2012
- Aspects of Contemporary Topology V, International Workshop in honour of Eva Colebunders on her 65th birthday, VUB and UA, september 2014, Organizers: R. Lowen, M. Sioen, G. Sonck
- International Conference: Maurice Fréchet, Inst. Henri Poincaré, Paris, 9-11 Oct 2023
- Conference commemorating Guillaume Brümmer, Univ. Cape Town, 12-13 December 2024
- Baekeland Rony, Measures of compactness and
their application to convergence of probability measures, 1992. Promotor
E. Colebunders, Co-promotor R. Lowen (UA).
- Bogaerts Jan, Orders characterized by Wijsman continuous functions, 1993, Promotor J.P. Brans, Co-promotor E. Colebunders
- Sonck Gert, Cartesisch geslotenheid en toepassingen op Ascoli-Arzela stellingen, 1997, Promotor E. Colebunders
- Verbeeck Francis, The Category of Pre-approach
Spaces, 2000. Promotor R. Lowen, Co-promotor E. Colebunders (VUB).
- Van der Voorde Ann, Separation axioms in extension theory for closure spaces and their relevance in state property systems, 2001, Promotor E. Colebunders, Co-promotor D. Aerts
- Deses Didier, Completeness and zerodimensionality arising from the duality between closures and lattices, 2003, Promotor E. Colebunders, Co-promotor D. Aerts
- Claes Veerle, A study of function spaces and compactness for the category of affine sets and its subconstructs, 2004, Promotor E. Colebunders
- Gerlo An, Separation, completeness and compactness in metrically generated theories, 2007, Promotor E. Colebunders
- Vandersmissen Eva, Firm completions in metrically generated constructs, 2008, Promotor E. Colebunders, Co-promotor R. Lowen
- De Wachter Sarah, Fixed point theorems via quantifying approach spaces on domains, VUB 2013, Promotor E. Colebunders, joint PhD University College Cork, Ireland, Promotor M. Schellekens
- K. Van Opdenbosch A study of topological properties in approach theory using monoidal topology, VUB 2019, VUB Promotor M. Sioen and E. Colebunders, joint PhD University of Antwerp, UA Promotor R. Lowen
- Categorical Topology, Master Mathematics VUB-UA
- Capita Selecta Topology, Master Mathematics, VUB-UA
- Homepage of the researchgroup ANTOP (Spokesperson Bob Lowen, UA)
Universiteit Antwerpen
Departement of Mathematics and Computer Science
Middelheimlaan 1, 2020 Antwerp, Belgium
Tel.: + 32 3 265 32 29
E-mail: bob.lowen "at" uantwerpen.be