Last modified: Mar 19, 2014.
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Prof. dr. Benny Van Houdt
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Short Bio
Benny Van Houdt is a professor at the department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Antwerp where he also obtained his Phd in 2001. He has been a post-doctoral fellow of the FWO-Flanders from October 2001 until October 2007. He has been the Editor-in-Chief of the Performance Evaluation journal for 5 years (2018 - 2022), is a senior associate editor of ACM ToMPECS (since 2014) and is an editorial board member of Stochastic Models (since 2016). He has been a member of the editorial board of Operations Research Letters (2007-2017) and Performance Evaluation (2011-2017). He is currently the head of the Computer Science department (since 2022).He has been Technical Program Committee (TPC) co-chair of ACM Sigmetrics 2025 (Stony Brook NY, USA), QEST 2016 (Quebec City, Canada), IFIP Performance 2014 (Torino, Italy), MAM8 (Kerala, India), SMCtools 2006 (Pisa, Italy), and served on a number of TPCs including ACM Sigmetrics, IFIP Performance, IEEE MASCOTS, INFORMS APS, ITC, QEST, Valuetools, ASMTA, EPEW, etc.
Benny is the (co)recipient of various awards including best paper awards at ACM Sigmetrics, IFIP Performance, ITC, QEST and Valuetools. He is an elected member and officer of the IFIP working group 7.3 on Computer System Modeling and has published papers in a variety of journals such as IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Communications, IEEE JSAC, IEEE/OSA JOCN, Performance Evaluation, QUESTA, Journal of Applied Probability, Adv. In Applied Probability, Operations Research Letters, INFORMS JOC, EJOR, Stochastic Models, Computer Networks, Naval Research Logistics, etc.
Conferences and Workshops:
Publications & Software Tools
A list of my publications, and a copy of my PhD dissertation are given below:
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This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and
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adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most
cases, these works may not be reposted without explicit permission of the
copyright holder.
ArXiv papers:
- Explicit back-off rates for achieving target throughputs in CSMA/CA networks
B. Van Houdt - Free Energy Approximations for CSMA networks
B. Van Houdt - On the Power-of-d-choices with Least Loaded Server Selection
T. Hellemans and B. Van Houdt - Randomized Work Stealing versus Sharing in Large-scale Systems with Non-exponential Job Sizes
B. Van Houdt - Global attraction of ODE-based mean field models with hyperexponential job sizes
B. Van Houdt
- Performance Analysis of Load Balancing Policies with Memory
T. Hellemans and B. Van Houdt - Heavy Traffic Analysis of the Mean Response Time for Load Balancing Policies in the Mean Field Regime
T. Hellemans and B. Van Houdt - Improved Load Balancing in Large Scale Systems using Attained Service Time Reporting
T. Hellemans and B. Van Houdt - Approximations to study the impact of the service discipline in systems with redundancy
N. Gast and B. Van Houdt
Journal Papers:
- On the performance evaluation of distributed join-idle-queue load balancing with and without token withdrawals
B. Van Houdt
Performance Evaluation, Vol 165, 102427, 2024. - Approximations to study the impact of the service discipline in systems with redundancy
N. Gast and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems - SIGMETRICS, Vol. 8, No 1, Article No. 14, pp. 1-33, 2024. ACM Sigmetrics 2024. - Join-Up-To(m): Improved Hyper-scalable Load Balancing
G. Kielanski, T. Hellemans and B. Van Houdt
Queueing Systems, Vol 105, No 3, pp. 291-316, 2023. - On the cost of near-perfect wear leveling in flash-based SSDs
B. Van Houdt
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems, Vol 8, No 1-2, pp. 1-22, 2023. - Performance analysis of work stealing strategies in large scale multi-threaded computing
G. Kielanski, and B. Van Houdt
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, Vol 33, No 4, Article No 15, pp. 1-23, 2023.
- Performance of Load Balancers with Bounded Maximum Queue Length in case of Non-Exponential Job Sizes
T. Hellemans, G. Kielanski, and B. Van Houdt
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol 31, No 4, pp. 1626-1641, 2023. - On the stochastic and asymptotic improvement of First-Come First-Served and Nudge scheduling
B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems - SIGMETRICS, Vol. 6, No 3, Article No. 50, pp. 1-22, 2023. ACM Sigmetrics 2023. - Simple analytical solutions for the Mb/Ek/1/m, Ek/Mb/1/m
and related queues
B. Van Houdt
Journal of Applied Probability, Vol 59, No 4, pp. 1129-1143, Dec 2022. - A joint replenishment production-inventory model as an
MMAP[K]/PH[K]/1 queue
A.M. Noblesse, N. Sonenberg, R.N. Boute, M.R. Lambrecht, and B. Van Houdt
Stochastic Models, Vol 38, Issue 3, pp. 390-415, 2022. - Open problems in refined mean field approximations
T. Hellemans and B. Van Houdt
Queueing Systems, Vol 100, pp. 301-303, 2022.
- Performance Analysis of Load Balancing Policies with Memory
T. Hellemans and B. Van Houdt
Performance Evaluation, Vol 153, 102259, Feb 2022. - Improved Load Balancing in Large Scale Systems using Attained Service Time Reporting
T. Hellemans and B. Van Houdt
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol 30, No 1, pp. 341-353, 2021. - Performance Analysis of Work Stealing in Large-scale Multithreaded Computing
N. Sonenberg, G. Kielanski and B. Van Houdt
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems, Vol. 6, No 2, pp. 1-28, 2021 - Mean Waiting Time in Large-Scale and Critically Loaded Power of d Load Balancing Systems
T. Hellemans and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems - SIGMETRICS, Vol. 5, No 2, Article No. 19, June 2021. ACM Sigmetrics 2021 - On the Asymptotic Insensitivity of the Supermarket Model in Processor Sharing Systems
G. Kielanski and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems - SIGMETRICS, Vol. 5, No 2, Article No. 22, June 2021. ACM Sigmetrics 2021
- On the impact of job size variability on heterogeneity-aware load balancing
I. Van Spilbeeck and B. Van Houdt
Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 293, No 1, pp. 371-399, 2020 - Mean Field Analysis of Join-Below-Threshold Load Balancing for Resource Sharing Servers
I.A. Horvath, Z. Scully and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems - SIGMETRICS, Vol. 3, No 3, Article No. 57, Dec 2019. ACM Sigmetrics 2020 - Randomized Work Stealing versus Sharing in Large-scale Systems with Non-exponential Job Sizes
B. Van Houdt
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), Vol. 27, No 5, pp. 2137-2149, Oct 2019 - Performance Analysis of Workload Dependent Load Balancing Policies
T. Hellemans, T. Bodas and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems - SIGMETRICS, Vol. 3, No 2, Article No. 33, Jun 2019. ACM Sigmetrics 2019 - Global Attraction of ODE-based Mean Field Models with Hyperexponential Job Sizes
B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems - SIGMETRICS, Vol. 3, No 2, Article No. 23, Jun 2019. ACM Sigmetrics 2019
- Analysis of lead time correlation under a base-stock policy
T. Hellemans, R. Boute, B. Van Houdt
European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 276, No 2, pp. 519-535, 2019. - On the Endurance of the d-Choices Garbage Collection Algorithm for Flash-based SSDs
R. Verschoren and B. Van Houdt
ACM ToMPECS, Vol. 4, No 3, Article 13, Sep 2019. - Performance of Redundancy(d) with Identical/Independent Replicas
T. Hellemans and B. Van Houdt
ACM ToMPECS, Vol. 4, No 2, Article No. 9, June 2019. - Analysis of Redundancy(d) with Identical Replicas
T. Hellemans and B. Van Houdt
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review (IFIP Performance 2018), Vol. 46, No 3, pp. 74-79, Dec 2018. - Inpatient boarding in emergency departments: Impact on patient delays and system capacity
R. Carmen, I. Van Nieuwenhuyse and B. Van Houdt,
European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 271, No. 3, pp. 953-967, Dec 2018
- On the Power-of-d Choices with Least Loaded Server Selection
T. Hellemans and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems - SIGMETRICS, Vol. 2, No 2, Article No. 27, Jun 2018. ACM Sigmetrics 2018 - A Refined Mean Field Approximation
N. Gast and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems - SIGMETRICS, Vol. 1, No 2, Article No. 33, Dec 2017. ACM Sigmetrics 2018.
(received the Best Paper Award ACM Sigmetrics 2018) - A Better Model for Job Redundancy: Decoupling
Server Slowdown and Job Size
K. Gardner, M. Harchol-Balter, A. Scheller-Wolf, and B. Van Houdt
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol 25, No 6, pp. 3353-3367, 2017. - TTL Approximations of the Cache Replacement
Algorithms LRU(m) and h-LRU
N. Gast and B. Van Houdt
Performance Evaluation, Vol. 117, pp. 33-57, 2017. - Response Time Distribution of a Class of Limited Processor Sharing Queues
M. Telek and B. Van Houdt
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review (IFIP Performance 2017), Vol. 45, No 3, pp. 143-155, Dec 2017.
- Explicit back-off rates for achieving target throughputs in CSMA/CA networks
B. Van Houdt
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 25, No 2, pp. 765-778, 2017. -
On a Class of Push and Pull Strategies with Single
Migrations and Limited Probe Rate
W. Minnebo, T. Hellemans, B. Van Houdt
Performance Evaluation, Vol. 113, pp. 42-67, 2017. -
Transient and Steady-state Regime of a Family of
List-based Cache Replacement Algorithms
N. Gast and B. Van Houdt
Queueing Systems (SI: Sigmetrics 2015), Vol. 83, No 3, pp. 293-328, 2016. -
Spatial fairness in multi-channel CSMA line networks
R. Block and B. Van Houdt
Performance Evaluation (SI: Valuetools 2014), Vol. 103, pp. 69-85, 2016. -
On the Power of Asymmetry and Memory in
Flash-based SSD Garbage Collection
B. Van Houdt
Performance Evaluation (SI: Valuetools 2013), Vol. 97, pp. 1-15, 2016.
Throughput and delay analysis of an opportunistic tree algorithm
R. Block and B. Van Houdt
Stochastic Models, Vol. 32, No 1, pp. 20-51, 2016. -
Performance of Rate-Based Pull and Push Strategies in Heterogeneous Networks
I. Van Spilbeeck and B. Van Houdt
Performance Evaluation, Vol. 91, pp. 2-15, 2015.
(received the Best Student Paper Award IFIP Performance 2015) -
Transient and Steady-state Regime of a Family of List-based Cache Replacement Algorithms
N. Gast and B. Van Houdt
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, Vol 43, pp. 123-136, 2015. -
On the necessity of hot and cold data identification to reduce the write amplification in flash-based SSDs
B. Van Houdt
Performance Evaluation, Vol 82, pp. 1-14, 2014. -
Commuting matrices in the queue length and sojourn time analysis of MAP/MAP/1 queues
G. Horvath, M. Telek and B. Van Houdt
Stochastic Models (SI: MAM8), Vol 30, No 4, pp. 554-575, 2014.
Characterizing order processes of continuous review (s,S) and (r,nQ) policies
A.M. Noblesse, R.N. Boute, M.R. Lambrecht and B. Van Houdt
European Journal of Operations Research (EJOR), Vol. 236, No. 2, pp. 534-547, 2014. -
Lot sizing and lead time decisions in production/inventory systems
A.M. Noblesse, R.N. Boute, M.R. Lambrecht and B. Van Houdt
International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 155, pp 351-360, 2014. -
A mean field model for a class of garbage collection algorithms in flash-based solid state drives
B. Van Houdt
Queueing Systems (SI: Sigmetrics 2013), Vol. 77, No 2, pp. 149-176, 2014. -
A Fair Comparison of Pull and Push Strategies in
Large Distributed Networks
W. Minnebo and B. Van Houdt
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 22, no 3, pp. 996-1006, 2014. -
A branching process approach to compute the delay and energy
efficiency of tree algorithms with free access
R. Block, G.T. Peeters and B. Van Houdt
Computer Networks, Vol. 58, pp. 13-28, 2014.
Coordinating lead-time and safety stock decisions in a two-echelon supply chain with autocorrelated consumer demand
R.N. Boute, S.M. Disney, M.R. Lambrecht and B. Van Houdt
European Journal of Operations Research (EJOR), Volume 232, no 1, pp. 52-63, 2014. -
Performance of garbage collection algorithms for flash-based
solid state drives with hot/cold data
B. Van Houdt
Performance Evaluation, Vol 70, no 10, pp. 692-703, 2013.
(received the Best Paper Award IFIP Performance 2013) -
A mean field model for a class of garbage collection algorithms in flash-based solid state drives
B. Van Houdt
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, Vol 41, no 1, pp. 191-202, 2013. - Departure process analysis of the multi-type MMAP[K]/PH[K]/1 FCFS queue
G. Horvath and B. Van Houdt
Performance Evaluation, Vol 70, no 6, pp. 423-439, 2013. -
A matrix geometric representation for the queue length
distribution of multitype semi-Markovian queues
B. Van Houdt
Performance Evaluation, Vol. 69, no 7-8, pp. 299-314, 2012.
A fast Newton's iteration for M/G/1-type and GI/M/1-type Markov chains
J.F. Perez, M. Telek and B. Van Houdt
Stochastic Models, Vol. 28, no 4, pp. 557-583, 2012. -
Fluid limit of an asynchronous optical packet switch with shared per link full range wavelength conversion
B. Van Houdt and L. Bortolussi
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, Vol. 40, pp. 113-124, 2012. -
Analysis of the adaptive MMAP[K]/PH[K]/1 queue: a multi-type queue with adaptive arrivals and general impatience
B. Van Houdt
European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), Vol. 220, no 3, pp. 695-704, 2012. -
Load Balancing and the Power of Preventive Probing
B. Van Houdt
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, Vol. 39, no 2, pp. 65-67, 2011. -
The M/G/1-type Markov chain with restricted transitions and its application to queues with batch arrivals
J.F. Perez and B. Van Houdt
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences (PEIS), Vol 25, Issue 4, pp. 487-517, Oct 2011
Triangular M/G/1-type and tree-like QBD Markov chains
B. Van Houdt and J. S.H. van Leeuwaarden
INFORMS Journal on Computing, Vol 23, No 1, pp. 165-171, 2011 -
Quasi-Birth-and-Death processes with restricted transitions and its applications
J.F. Perez and B. Van Houdt
Performance Evaluation (Special issue QEST 2009), Vol 68, Issue 2, pp. 126-141, Feb 2011 -
The effect of Partial Conversion and Fiber Delay Lines in an OBS switch with a large number of
J.F. Perez and B. Van Houdt
Photonic Network Communications, Vol 21, Issue 1, pp. 64-77, Feb 2011 -
Interference Cancellation Tree Algorithms with k-Signal Memory Locations
G. T. Peeters and B. Van Houdt
IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol 58, Issue 11, pp. 3056-3061, Nov 2010 -
A Mean Field Model for an Optical Switch with a Large
Number of Wavelengths and Centralized Partial Conversion
J.F. Perez and B. Van Houdt
Performance Evaluation, Vol 67, Issue 11, pp. 1044-1058, 2010
Mean field calculation for optical Grid dimensioning
B. Van Houdt, C. Develder, J.F. Perez, M. Pickavet and B. Dhoedt
IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Vol. 2, Issue 6, pp. 355-367, 2010 -
On the Dual Relationship between Markov Chains of GI/M/1 and M/G/1 type
P.G. Taylor and B. Van Houdt
Adv. in Appl. Probab. Vol. 42, Issue 1, pp. 210-225, 2010 - Markovian approximations for a grid computing network with a ring structure
J.F. Perez and B. Van Houdt
Stochastic Models, Vol. 26, Issue 3, pp. 357-383, 2010 -
On the link between Markovian trees and tree-structured Markov chains
S. Hautphenne and B. Van Houdt
European Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 201, Issue 3, pp. 791-798, March 2010 -
On the Maximum Stable Throughput of Tree Algorithms with Free Access
G. T. Peeters and B. Van Houdt
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 55, Issue 11, pp. 5087-5099, Nov 2009
- Multiple Access Algorithms
without Feedback using Combinatorial Designs
G. T. Peeters, R. Bocklandt and B. Van Houdt
IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 57, Issue 9, pp. 2724-2733, September 2009 - A Unified Model for Synchronous
and Asynchronous FDL Buffers allowing Closed-Form Solution
W. Rogiest, J. Lambert, D. Fiems, B. Van Houdt, H. Bruneel, C. Blondia
Performance Evaluation, Vol. 66, Issue 7, pp. 343-355, July 2009 -
Wavelength Allocation in an Optical Switch with
Fiber Delay Line Buffer and Limited-Range Wavelength Conversion
J.F. Pérez and B. Van Houdt
Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 41, Number 1, pp. 37-49, May 2009 -
Designing replenishment rules in a two-echelon supply chain with a
flexible or an inflexible capacity strategy
R.N. Boute, S.M. Disney, M.R. Lambrecht and B. Van Houdt
International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 119, Issue 1, pp. 187-198, 2009. - QBD Markov chains on binomial-like trees and its
application to multilevel feedback queues
B. Van Houdt, J. Van Velthoven and C. Blondia,
Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 160, pp. 3-18, 2008
- A win-win solution for the bullwhip problem
R.N. Boute, S.M. Disney, M.R. Lambrecht and B. Van Houdt
Production Planning & Control, Vol. 19, Issue 7, pp. 702-711, October 2008
(received the Production Planning & Control Best Paper Award 2008) - Queues in DOCSIS cable modem networks
J. Lambert, B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia,
Computers and Operations Research (special issue on Queues in Practice), Vol. 35, no. 8, pp. 2482-2496, August 2008 - A multiaccess tree algorithm with free access, interference cancellation
and single signal memory requirements
G.T. Peeters, B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia,
Performance Evaluation journal, Vol. 64, pp. 1041-1052, October 2007 - Performance Evaluation of a
Production/Inventory System with Periodic Review and Endogenous Lead
R.N. Boute, M.R. Lambrecht and B. Van Houdt,
Naval Research Logistics, Vol.54, Issue 4, pp. 462-473, June 2007 -
An integrated production and inventory model to dampen
upstream demand variability in the supply chain
R.N. Boute, S.M. Disney, M.R. Lambrecht and B. Van Houdt
European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 178, pp. 121-142, 2007
Analyzing priority queues with 3 classes using tree-like processes
B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
Queueing Systems, Vol. 54, pp. 99-109, Oct 2006 -
Transient analysis of tree-like processes and its application to random access systems
J. Van Velthoven, B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, Vol. 34, no 1, pp. 181-190, June 2006 -
Queues with correlated inter-arrival and service times and its
application to optical buffers
J. Lambert , B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
Stochastic Models, Vol 22(2), pp. 233-251, 2006 -
Linking priority queues and tree-like processes*Special paper on the occasion
of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Paul J. Kühn's 65th birthday.
B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
AEU International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol. 60(2), pp. 131-135, 2006 -
On the probability of abandonment in queues with limited sojourn and
waiting times
J. Van Velthoven, B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
Operations and Research Letters, Vol 34(3), pp. 333-338, 2006
Approximated transient queue length and waiting time distributions via steady
state analysis
B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
Stochastic Models, Vol 21, pp. 725-744, 2005. -
Response time distribution in a D-MAP/PH/1 queue with general customer
J. Van Velthoven, B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
Stochastic Models, Vol 21, pp. 745-765, 2005. -
Throughput of Q-ary splitting algorithms for contention resolution in communication networks
B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
Journal of Communications in Information and Systems (CIS), Vol. 4(2), pp. 135-164, 2005. -
The response time in a discrete time tandem queue with blocking, Markovian arrivals and phase-type services
B. Van Houdt and A.S. Alfa
Operations and Research Letters, Vol 33(4), pp. 373-381, July 2005. -
Dynamic Bandwith Allocation for EPON with threshold reporting
D. Nikolova, B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 28(1), pp. 31-52, 2005.
- Analytical MMAP-based bounds for packet loss in optical packet switching
with recirculating FDL buffers
C. Develder, B. Van Houdt, C. Blondia, M. Pickavet and P. Demeester
Photonic Network Comm., Vol 8(2), pp. 149-161, 2004. -
Robustness of Q-ary collision resolution algorithms in random access
B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
Performance Evaluation, Vol 57, Issue 3, pp. 357-377, 2004. -
The waiting time distribution of a type k customer in a discrete-time
FCFS MMAP[K]/PH[K]/c (c=1,2) queue using QBDs
B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
Stochastic Models, Vol 20, no 1, pp. 55-69, 2004. - On the sustainable load of Fibre Delay Line Buffers
K. Laevens, B. Van Houdt, H. Bruneel and C. Blondia
IEE Electronics Letters, Vol 40, No 2, pp. 137-138, 2004. -
Optimization of a packet video receiver under different levels of delay jitter: an analytical approach
N. Laoutaris, B. Van Houdt and S. Stravrakakis
Performance Evaluation, Vol. 55, Issues 3-4, pp. 251-275, Feb 2004.
The delay distribution of (im)patient customers in a discrete time DMAP/PH/1 queue with age dependent service times
B. Van Houdt, R.B. Lenin and C. Blondia
Queueing Systems and its Applications (QUESTA), Vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 59-73, September 2003. -
Tree Structured QBD Markov chains and Tree-Like QBD Processes
B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
Stochastic Models, Vol 19, no 4, pp. 467-482, 2003. -
Robustness properties of FS-ALOHA(++): a contention resolution
algorithm for dynamic bandwidth allocation
B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), Special Issue on Performance Evaluation of QoS Architectures in Mobile Networks, Vol 8, No 3, pp. 237-253, 2003. -
The delay distribution of a type K customer in a FCFS MMAP[K]/PH[K]/1 queue
B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
Journal of Applied Probability (JAP), Vol. 39, No 1, March 2002. -
Performance Analysis of a MAC Protocol for Broadband Wireless
ATM Networks with Quality of Service Provisioning
B. Van Houdt, C. Blondia, O. Casals and J. Garcia
Journal of Interconnection Networks (JOIN), Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 103-130, 2001.
Stability and Performance of Stack Algorithms for Random Multiple Access
Communication modeled as a Tree Structured QBD Markov Chain
B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
Stochastic Models, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 247-270, 2001.
(received the Marcel Neuts Prize (best paper Vol. 17), of the Applied Probability Foundation of America) -
Analysis of an Identifier Splitting Algorithm Combined with Polling for
Contention Resolution in a Wireless ATM Access Network
B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
IEEE JSAC, Vol. 18, No. 11, pp. 2345-2355, November 2000. -
Performance Evaluation of the Identifier Splitting Algorithm
with Polling in Wireless ATM Networks
B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 91-104, 2000. -
FIFO by Sets ALOHA (FS-ALOHA): A Collision Resolution Algorithm for the Contention
Channel in Wireless ATM Systems
D. Vazquez-Cortizo, J. Garcia, C. Blondia and B. Van Houdt
Performance Evaluation, Vol. 36-37, pp. 401-429, 1999.
- On the Performance Evaluation of Distributed Join-Idle-Queue Load Balancing
B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of IEEE MASCOTS 2023, New York, USA, 2023. - On the maximum queue length of the hyper scalable load balancing push strategy
B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of QEST 2023, Antwerp, Belgium, 2023. - Performance Analysis of Work Stealing Strategies in Large Scale Multi-threaded Computing
G. Kielanski and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of QEST 2021, Paris, France, 2021
(received the Best paper award QEST 2021) - How to improve the performance of the d-choices garbage collection algorithm in flash-based SSDs
R. Verschoren and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of Valuetools, Tsukuba, Japan, 2020. - Performance Analysis of Load Balancing Policies with Memory
T. Hellemans and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of Valuetools, Tsukuba, Japan, 2020.
- On the Impact of Job Size Variability on Heterogeneity-aware Load Balancing
I. Van Spilbeeck and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of QTNA, Tsukuba, Japan, 2018.
(received the Best paper award QTNA 2018) - Free Energy Approximations for CSMA networks
B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of IEEE MASCOTS, Banff, Canada, 2017. - On the Impact of Garbage Collection on flash-based SSD Endurance
R. Verschoren and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of INFLOW 2016 (co-located with OSDI), Savannah GA (US), 2016. -
Asymptotically Exact TTL-Approximations of the
Cache Replacement Algorithms LRU(m) and h-LRU
N. Gast and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of ITC 2016, Wurzburg (Germany), Sep 2016. -
Analytic models for flash-based SSD performance when subject to trimming
R. Verschoren and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of 32nd International Conference on Massive Storage Systems and Technology (MSST), Santa Clara CA (US), 2016.
Analysis of Rate-Based Pull and Push Strategies with
Limited Migration Rates in Large Distributed Networks
W. Minnebo and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of Valuetools 2015, Berlin (Germany), pp. 196-203, 2016. -
On the capacity of a random access channel with successive interference cancellation
G. T. Peeters and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of IEEE ICC MASSAP 2015, London (UK), Jul 2015. -
Spatial Fairness in Multi-Channel CSMA Line Networks
R. Block and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of Valuetools 2014, Bratislava, Slovakia, Dec 2014
(received the Best paper award Valuetools 2014) -
Commuting matrices in the sojourn time
analysis of MAP/MAP/1 queues
G. Horvath, M. Telek and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of MAM8, Kerala (India), Jan 2014. -
Analysis of the d-choices garbage collection algorithm with memory in flash-based SSDs
B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of Valuetools 2013, Torino (Italy), Dec 2013
Improved Rate-Based Pull and Push
Strategies in Large Distributed Networks
W. Minnebo and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of IEEE MASCOTS 2013, San Francisco (USA), Aug 2013. -
The impact of dampening demand variability in a production/inventory system with multiple retailers
B. Van Houdt, J.F. Perez
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 27, pp. 227-250, 2013 -
A multi-layer fluid queue with boundary phase
transitions and its application to the analysis of
multi-type queues with general customer impatience
G. Horvath and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of QEST 2012, London (UK), pp. 23-32, Sept 2012 -
Pull versus Push Mechanism in Large Distributed Networks: Closed Form Results
W. Minnebo and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of ITC 2012, Krakau (Poland), Sept 2012
(received the Best paper award ITC 2012 and the Internet Technical Committee Best Paper 2012) -
Performance Comparison of Aggressive Push and Traditional Pull Strategies in Large Distributed Systems
B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of QEST 2011, Aachen (Germany), pp. 265-274, Sept 2011
Delay and throughput analysis of tree algorithms for random access
over noisy collision channels
B. Van Houdt and R. Block
Proceedings of NETCOOP 2010, Ghent (Belgium), pp. 25-32, Nov. 2010 -
A phase-type representation for the queue length
distribution of a semi-Markovian queue
B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of QEST 2010, IEEE Computer Society, Williamsburg (USA), pp. 49-58, Sept. 2010
(received the Best paper award QEST 2010) -
Numerical Solution of Polling Systems for Analyzing Networks on Chips
B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of NSMC 2010, Williamsburg (USA), pp. 90-93, Sept. 2010 -
Analyzing M/G/1-type Markov chains with low-rank downward transitions
J.F. Perez and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of NSMC 2010, Williamsburg (USA), pp. 75-78, Sept. 2010 -
Design and Analysis of Multi-carrier Multiple Access Systems without Feedback
G. T. Peeters and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of ITC-22, IEEE Computer Society, Amsterdam (Netherlands), Sept. 2010
Exploiting restricted transitions in Quasi-Birth-and-Death processes
J.F. Perez and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of QEST 2009, IEEE Computer Science, Budapest (Hungary), pp. 123-132, Sept. 2009 -
Dimensioning an OBS switch with Partial Wavelength Conversion
and Fibre Delay Lines via a Mean Field Model
J.F. Perez and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of IEEE Infocom 2009, IEEE Computer Society, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), pp. 2651-2655, April 2009. - Q-MAM:
A Tool for Solving Infinite Queues using Matrix-Analytic Methods
J.F. Pérez, J. Van Velthoven and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of SMCtools'08, ACM Press, Athens (Greece), Oct 2008. - Improved High Maximum Stable Throughput FCFS
Tree Algorithms with Interference Cancellation
G. T. Peeters and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (Valuetools 2008), ACM Press, Athens (Greece), Oct 2008. - FCFS tree algorithms with interference
cancellation and single signal memory requirements
B. Van Houdt and G. T. Peeters
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Multiple Access Communications (MACOM2008), IEEE Computer Society, Saint-Petersburg (Russia), pp. 468-473, June 2008.
- A Hessenberg
Markov chain for fast Fibre Delay Line length optimization
J. Lambert, W. Rogiest, B. Van Houdt, D. Fiems, C. Blondia, H. Bruneel
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 5055): Analytical and stochastic modeling techniques and applications, ASMTA 2008, Nicosia (Cyprus), pp. 101-113, June 2008. -
Optimal batch scheduling in DVB-S2 satellite networks
G.T. Peeters, B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
Proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2007, pp. 4607-4612, Nov. 2007. -
A policy iteration algorithm for Markov decision processes skip-free in one direction
J. Lambert, B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
Proceedings of SMCtools'07, ACM Press, Nantes (France), Oct 2007. -
Simultaneous transient analysis of QBD Markov chains for all initial configurations
using a level-based recursion
J. Van Velthoven, B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia,
Proceedings of QEST 2007, Edinburgh (UK), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 79-88, Sept. 2007 -
Structured Markov chains solver: algorithms
D. Bini, B. Meini, S. Steffe and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of SMCtools'06, ACM Press, Pisa (Italy), Oct 2006
Structured Markov chains solver: software tools
D. Bini, B. Meini, S. Steffe and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of SMCtools'06, ACM Press, Pisa (Italy), Oct 2006 -
The impact of buffer finiteness on the loss
rate in a priority queueing system
J. Van Velthoven, B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 4054): Formal methods and stochastic models for performance evaluation, EPEW 2006, Budapest Hungary, pp. 211-225, June 2006. - A win-win solution for the bullwhip problem
R.N. Boute, S.M. Disney, M.R. Lambrecht and B. Van Houdt
in Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain, Lyon (France), pp 544-553, May 2006. -
A preventive conversion mechanism for conflict resolution
in Optical Burst Switched Networks
J. Lambert, B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
ONDM 2006, Copenhagen (Denmark), May 2006. -
On the generality of binary tree-like Markov chains
K. Spaey, B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
Proceedings of A.A. Markov Conference, Charleston (USA), pp. 79-88, June 2006
- The impact of order variance amplification/dampening
on supply chain performance
R.N. Boute, S.M. Disney, M.R. Lambrecht and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of the 14th Int. Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck (Austria), Vol. 3, pp. 1-11, Feb. 2006. -
QBDs with marked time epochs: a framework for transient performance
B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
Proceedings of QEST 2005, Torino (Italy), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 210-219, Sept. 2005. -
Single-wavelength optical buffers: non-equidistant structures
and preventive drop mechanisms
J. Lambert , B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
Proceedings of NAEC 2005, pp. 545-555, 2005. -
Dimensioning the Contention Channel of DOCSIS Cable Modem
J. Lambert, B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
Lecture Notes on Computer Science: Networking 2005, 4th international IFIP-TC6 Networking Conference, Waterloo (Canada), pp. 342-357, May 2005. -
Bullwhip reduction and win-win strategies
R.N. Boute, S.M. Disney, M.R. Lambrecht, W. Van de Velde and B. Van Houdt
in Demeter K, ed.: Operations and Global competitiveness, Hungarian Association of Logistics Purchasing and Inventory Management , pp. 697-706, 2005.
Channel utilization and loss in a single-wavelength Fibre Delay Line (FDL) buffer
B. Van Houdt, K. Laevens, J. Lambert, C. Blondia and H. Bruneel
Proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2004, pp. 1900-1906, Dallas (US), Nov. 2004. -
Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Algorithms in EPON: a simulation study
D. Nikolova, B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
Proceedings of Opticomm'03, pp. 369-380, 2003. -
Quality of Service (QoS) Issues in EPON
D. Nikolova, B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
Proceedings of Community Nets and FTTH/P/x Workshop, Dallas, USA, October 2003. -
Maximum Stable Throughput of FS-ALOHA under Delay Constraints
B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
Proceedings of 18-th ITC, Teletraffic and Engineering Vol 5b, Providing Quality of Service in Heterogenous Environments, pp. 941-950, Berlin (Germany), Sept. 2003. -
Performance of Telecommunication systems: selected topics
K. Kostovasilis, S. Wittewrongel, H. Bruneel, B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
Proceedings of IFIP World Congres, pp. 61-93, Canada, August 2002.
Robustness of FS-ALOHA
B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Matrix Analytic Methods (MAM4), pp. 381-402, Adelaide, Australia, July 2002. -
Performance Modeling of Differential Fair Buffer Allocation
V. Bonin, O. Casals, B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Telecomunication Systems, Dallas, USA, 2001. -
Analysis of a Q-ary Identifier Splitting Algorithm Combined with Polling
for Contention Resolution in a Wireless ATM Access Network
B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
Proceedings of ITC Specialist Seminar on Mobile Systems and Mobility, pp. 169-180, Lillehammer (Norway), 2000. -
Performance Evaluation of the Conformance Definition for the ABR Service in
ATM Networks
L. Cerda, B. Van Houdt, O. Casals and C. Blondia
Proceedings of Broadband Comm. '99, pp. 209-222, 1999. -
Packet Level Performance Characteristics of a MAC Protocol for
Wireless ATM LANs
B. Van Houdt, C. Blondia, O. Casals and J. Garcia
Proceedings of LCN'99, Lowell, Massachusetts, USA, 1999.
Performance Evaluation of a MAC Protocol for Wireless ATM Networks
Supporting the ATM Service Categories
B. Van Houdt, C. Blondia, O. Casals, J. Garcia and D. Vazquez
Proceedings of Workshop on Wireless Mobile Multimedia (WoWMoM'99), 1999. -
Matrix Geometric Analysis of Discrete Time Queues with Batch
Arrivals and Batch Departures with Applications to B-ISDN
K. Wuyts, B. Van Houdt, R.K. Boel and C. Blondia
Proceedings of ITC-16, pp. 697-706, 1999. -
A MAC Protocol for Wireless ATM Systems Supporting ATM Service Categories
B. Van Houdt, C. Blondia, O. Casals, J. Garcia and D. Vasquez-Cortizo
Proceedings of ITC-16, pp. 437-446, 1999. -
Performance Analysis of a Class of Randomly Addressed Polling Schemes for Wireless
MAC Protocols
B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia
Proceedings of ATM'98, Ilkley, 1998. -
Congestion Control and Charging for the ABR Service Category in ATM Networks
O. Casals, C. Blondia, L. Cerda and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of SPIE, Performance and Control of Network Systems II, pp. 218-229, Boston (USA), 1998.
- Buffer Analysis of the Explicit Rate Congestion Control Mechanism for the ABR
Service Category in ATM Networks
C. Blondia, O. Casals and B. Van Houdt
Proceedings of PICS'98, pp. 177-188, Lund (Sweden), 1998.
Performance Evaluation of Contention Resolution Algorithms in Random
Access Systems
B. Van Houdt, May 2001.
The waiting time distribution of a type k customer in a FCFS MMAP[K]/PH[K]/2 queue
B. Van Houdt and C. Blondia, Technical Report TR01/01, University of Antwerp. -
The response time in a discrete time tandem queue with blocking, Markovian arrivals and phase-type services:
Extended Version
B. Van Houdt and A.S. Alfa, Technical Report TR04/01, University of Antwerp. -
A Mean Field Model for Dimensioning an OBS switch with Partial Wavelength Conversion and
Fiber Delay Lines
J.F. Perez and B. Van Houdt, Technical Report TR09/01, University of Antwerp. -
A Fair Comparison of Pull and Push Strategies in
Large Distributed Networks (=extended version of ITC 2012 paper)
W. Minnebo and B. Van Houdt, Technical Report TR12/01, University of Antwerp.
Software Tools based on Matrix Analytic Methods:
A FORTRAN version of the first two tools is also available at this location.SMCSolver: A MATLAB Toolbox for solving Quasi-Birth-and-Death (QBD) type Markov chains (Download)
This tool is composed of a set of MATLAB functions (i.e., .m files) to
compute the R, G and U matrix of QBD type Markov chains as well
as its steady state probability vector.
It includes implementations of the following contemporary algorithms: Cyclic Reduction (QBD_CR.m), Functional Iterations (QBD_FI.m), Invariant Subspace Approach (QBD_IS.m), Logarithmic Reduction (QBD_LR.m), Newton Iterations (QBD_NI.m), etc. The steady state vector can be computed via the QBD_pi.m function.
When using this tool, please refer to the paper Structured Markov chains solver: software tools by Bini, Meini, Steffe and Van Houdt (SMCtools workshop). Additional info on the tool is found in the paper and on these slides. New tool features added since the publication of the paper can be found in this document
It includes implementations of the following contemporary algorithms: Cyclic Reduction (QBD_CR.m), Functional Iterations (QBD_FI.m), Invariant Subspace Approach (QBD_IS.m), Logarithmic Reduction (QBD_LR.m), Newton Iterations (QBD_NI.m), etc. The steady state vector can be computed via the QBD_pi.m function.
When using this tool, please refer to the paper Structured Markov chains solver: software tools by Bini, Meini, Steffe and Van Houdt (SMCtools workshop). Additional info on the tool is found in the paper and on these slides. New tool features added since the publication of the paper can be found in this document
This tool is composed of a set of MATLAB functions (i.e., .m files) to
compute the G (or R) matrix of M/G/1, GI/M/1 and Non-Skip-Free type Markov chains as well
as its steady state probability vector.
It includes implementations of the following contemporary algorithms: Cyclic Reduction (MG1_CR.m), Functional Iterations (MG1_FI.m), Invariant Subspace Approach (MG1_IS.m), Ramaswami Reduction (MG1_RR.m), etc. The steady state vector can be computed via the MG1_pi.m, GIM1_pi.m or NSF_pi.m function.
When using this tool, please refer to the paper Structured Markov chains solver: software tools by Bini, Meini, Steffe and Van Houdt (SMCtools workshop). Additional info on the tool is found in the paper and on these slides. New tool features added since the publication of the paper can be found in this document
It includes implementations of the following contemporary algorithms: Cyclic Reduction (MG1_CR.m), Functional Iterations (MG1_FI.m), Invariant Subspace Approach (MG1_IS.m), Ramaswami Reduction (MG1_RR.m), etc. The steady state vector can be computed via the MG1_pi.m, GIM1_pi.m or NSF_pi.m function.
When using this tool, please refer to the paper Structured Markov chains solver: software tools by Bini, Meini, Steffe and Van Houdt (SMCtools workshop). Additional info on the tool is found in the paper and on these slides. New tool features added since the publication of the paper can be found in this document
Q-MAM: A MATLAB Toolbox for solving Infinite Queues using Matrix Analytic Methods (Download), this tools requires (both) SMCSolver tools above.
This tool is composed of a set of MATLAB functions (i.e., .m files) to
compute the queue length, waiting time and delay distribution of
various queueing systems of infinite size
It includes amongst others implementations of the following queueing models both in discrete and continuous time: PH/PH/1, MAP/MAP/1, MAP/M/c, MAP/D/c, RAP/RAP/1, MMAP[K]/PH[K]/1, MMAP[K]/SM[K]/1, SM[K]/PH[K]/1. State-of-the-art solution techniques are used to solve these models effciently.
When using this tool, please refer to the paper Q-MAM: A Tool for Solving Infinite Queues using Matrix-Analytic Methods, by J.F. Pérez, J. Van Velthoven and B. Van Houdt. Additional info on the tool is found in the paper.
It includes amongst others implementations of the following queueing models both in discrete and continuous time: PH/PH/1, MAP/MAP/1, MAP/M/c, MAP/D/c, RAP/RAP/1, MMAP[K]/PH[K]/1, MMAP[K]/SM[K]/1, SM[K]/PH[K]/1. State-of-the-art solution techniques are used to solve these models effciently.
When using this tool, please refer to the paper Q-MAM: A Tool for Solving Infinite Queues using Matrix-Analytic Methods, by J.F. Pérez, J. Van Velthoven and B. Van Houdt. Additional info on the tool is found in the paper.
A MATLAB Tool for computing the transient distribution of a QBD Markov chain (with marked time epochs). (Download)
This tool is composed of a set of MATLAB functions (i.e., .m files) to
compute the distribution of the system state at the n-th (marked) time epoch of a QBD markov chain (with marked time
epochs) for all initial states up to and including level r.
When using this tool, please refer to the paper Simultaneous Transient Analysis of QBD Markov Chains for all Initial Configurations using a Level Based Recursion by Van Velthoven, Van Houdt and Blondia (QEST 2007 conference).
When using this tool, please refer to the paper Simultaneous Transient Analysis of QBD Markov Chains for all Initial Configurations using a Level Based Recursion by Van Velthoven, Van Houdt and Blondia (QEST 2007 conference).
The notes of the course on Graph Theory can be downloaded here:- Ramsey Theory,
- Coloring Graphs,
- Trees and the Connector Problem,
- Characterizing Planar Graphs,
- Graph Connectivity.
- Fibonacci Heaps.
Operating Systems - design principles BEST STUDENT AWARD WINNERS:
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2007 | 2008 | 2009 |
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Robbe Block | Pieter Belmans | Steven Adriaensen |
2010 | 2011 | 2012 |
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Yentl Van Tendeloo | Alex. Vandenbroucke | Ruben Mennes |
2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
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Jakob Struye | Olivier Bellemans | Evert Heylen |
2016 | 2017 | 2018 |
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Robin Jadoul | Benj. Vandersmissen | Sam Legrand |
2019 | 2020 |
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Thomas Dooms | Noah Daniëls |
Click to enlarge images, double-click to reduce
2010 | 2011 | 2012 |
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Yentl Van Tendeloo | Yannick Jadoul | Fedor Biryukov |
2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
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Tim Tuijn | Sten Verbois | J. Van der Cruysse |
2016 | 2017 | 2018 |
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Thomas Van Bogaert | Cedric De Schepper | Nils Charlet |
2019 | 2020 | 2021 |
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Ward Gauderis | Tom Van Deuren | Cédric Aïd |
2022 | 2022 | 2023 |
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Remi Van Reyn | Jonathan Clijnen | Tibo Verreycken |
2024 |
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Joppe Avermaete |